Eldri Skýrslur - RNF / Flugslysanefnd

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Flugslys TF-303 (Rans S6-ES Coyote II) nálægt fisflugvellinum Sléttunni á Reykjanesi (Bráðabirgðaskýrsla)

Tveir menn um borð í fisvél TF-303 fóru í kennsluflug frá fisflugvellinum Sléttunni á Reykjanesi þann 20. október 2012. Í fluginu ofreis fisvélin, fór í spuna og brotlenti með þeim afleiðingum að báðir mennirnir um borð létust.

Skýrsla 20.10.2012

Serious incident TF-ISL (Boeing 757-200) Cabin crew dizziness during flight

During a passenger flight from Reykjavik-Keflavik, Iceland, to Frankfurt/Main, Germany, members of the cabin crew suffered health problems during cruise flight. All cabin crew members continued their duty until the end of the flight. the cabin crew reported strong symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, blue lips and fingers and numbness in the legs. The PIC then decided to inform the controller via radio and ask for a priority approach. Pilots and passengers were not affected. The German BFU investigated the serious incident and issued the report. The Icelandic AIB (RNF) nominated an ACCREP to the investigation.

Skýrsla 18.07.2012