Change of door design

Change of door design

Nr. máls: M-00511/AIG-05
Staða máls: Lokuð
Farðu í skýrslu 10.04.2014

Tillaga í öryggisátt

The Icelandic Transportation Safety Board (ITSB) recommends to Precision Conversions that it reviews the structural design of the main cargo door with respect to the 45 knots maximum wind operation loading and make the necessary design changes in order to meet the requirements of FAA FAR and EASA CS, subchapters 25.301(a) and 25.303.


Precision Conversions has modified the structural design of the main cargo door to support the intended 45 knots maximum wind operation limit in compliance with FAA FAR and EASA CS, subchapters 25.301(a) and 25.303.