2015 Síða 2

Endurskoðun fjarskiptatíðna

Nr. máls: M-00713/AIG-06
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

RNSA leggur til að Samgöngustofa endurskoði núgildandi fyrirkomulag Austursvæðis og Sandskeiðs með tilliti til fjarskiptatíðna.


Samgöngustofa setti af stað verkefni um endurskipulagningu svæða og sjónflugsumferðar fyrir austan BIRK. Reglur um breytta tilhögun sjónflugs í Austursvæði og austur af BIRK tóku gildi 1. júní 2016. Hin breytta tilhögun er byggð á hættugreiningu og áhættumati sem unnið var af Isavia að beiðni SGS. Flugumferðarstjórar sem og notendur loftrýmis (m.a. einkaflugmenn, prófdómarar, þyrluflugmenn) tóku þátt í þeirri vinnu og SGS stýrði síðan úrvinnslu lokatillagna, sem aftur voru rýndar af SGS og tryggði SGS að sömu aðilar kæmu ekki að úrvinnslu tillagna og rýni.

Eftirfarandi breytingar má finna í AIP, sjá hér.

Design of pulley fastener locking

Nr. máls: M-01913/AIG-14
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

The Icelandic Transportation Safety Board (ITSB) recommends to Technify Motors to reconsider the design of the crankshaft belt pulley fastener P/N 05-7223-K000501 in order to prevent loosening of the fastener.


Technify Motors reconsidered the design of the crankshaft belt pulley fastener P/N 05- 7223-K000501 in order to prevent loosening of the fastener and provided a report to EASA. In the report different options of locking mechanism were considered. The preferred solution was to mark the bolt with torque seal and decided to implement it. This way, the security of the correct sit of the crankshaft main bolt could be checked during inspections, to see if it was loosening over time.

Design change to spoiler actuator

Nr. máls: M-00513/AIG-04
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

The Icelandic Transportation Safety Board (ITSB) recommends to Moog, in co-operation with the airplane’s manufacturer, set up a program to support fleet wide replacement of the blocking and thermal relief valve housing with the fatigue improved unit made from stainless steel.


Moog has redesigned the Blocking and Thermal Relief Valve Housing with thicker material section and more radius in the area of the fracture surface. The redesigned Blocking and Thermal Relief Valve Housing is made from stainless steel instead of aluminum. This results in better fatigue performance of the Blocking and Thermal Relief Valve Housing. In addition the FAA has issued Safety Recommendation 15.115, a Boeing 757 airplane level safety issue, mandating evaluation of the spoiler actuator's blocking and thermal relief valve housing failure to determine appropriate corrective action.

Critical pulley fastener notification

Nr. máls: M-01913/AIG-14
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

The Icelandic Transportation Safety Board (ITSB) recommends to Technify Motors to issue a service letter to operators, advising of this incident and remind them never to loosen the belt pulley fastener in the crankshaft, due to its critical torque value.


Technify Motors added several notes to repair procedures (RM-02-02) during which the mechanic might have the idea to demount the pulley and informed all registered users regarding the new versions.