Design of pulley fastener locking

Design of pulley fastener locking

Nr. máls: M-01913/AIG-14
Staða máls: Lokuð
Farðu í skýrslu 06.08.2015

Tillaga í öryggisátt

The Icelandic Transportation Safety Board (ITSB) recommends to Technify Motors to reconsider the design of the crankshaft belt pulley fastener P/N 05-7223-K000501 in order to prevent loosening of the fastener.


Technify Motors reconsidered the design of the crankshaft belt pulley fastener P/N 05- 7223-K000501 in order to prevent loosening of the fastener and provided a report to EASA. In the report different options of locking mechanism were considered. The preferred solution was to mark the bolt with torque seal and decided to implement it. This way, the security of the correct sit of the crankshaft main bolt could be checked during inspections, to see if it was loosening over time.