Tvíþátta mæling eldsneytis við fyrirflugsskoðun

Tvíþátta mæling eldsneytis við fyrirflugsskoðun

Nr. máls: M-01214/AIG-09
Staða máls: Lokuð
Farðu í skýrslu 10.08.2017

Tillaga í öryggisátt

RNSA beinir því til flugskólans Keilis að hann endurskoði handbók flugnema í þeim tilgangi að tryggja tvíþátta mælingu og samanburð á eldsneyti við fyrirflugsskoðun.


Flugakademía Íslands hefur samið nýja eldsneytishandbók og hafa tveir starfsmenn verið þjálfaðir af Olíudreyfingu í meðhöndlun eldsneytissins og aðstoðuðu þeir okkur líka við skrif á handbókinni. 

Að auki hefur flugvélahandbók (OM) hefur verið endurskoðuð:

Aircraft type specific,
􀁸 information and data for fuel consumption;
􀁸 detailed instruction on how to use the provided data;
􀁸 unit of fuel measurement;
are to be found in the manual provided by the manufacturer. Refer to the List of aircraft used for training.
For the applicable fuel calculation form, refer appropriate form in Flight Logger
Both, the instructor/examiner and the student/applicant are familiar with the fuel calculation and the actual fuel data of the aircraft used.
As part of the pre-flight planning, the pilot in command/student shall make a careful calculation of the amount of fuel required specific to the intended flight session. In addition, the following shall be taken into consideration:
􀁸 the correct and consistent application of the fuel consumption data including associated unit of measurement as applicable for the concerned aircraft;
􀁸 the actual and forecast meteorological conditions;
􀁸 the planning of an alternative course of action to provide for the eventuality that the flight cannot be completed as planned;
􀁸 possible traffic delays for the anticipated ATC routings and aerodromes;
􀁸 any other condition that may delay (e.g. temporary operating restriction or closing of runway / and/or aerodrome, required re-routing) the landing of the aircraft;
􀁸 procedures specific to the type of aircraft, such as failure of one engine while en-route, loss of pressurisation etc. or any other condition that may increase the fuel and oil consumption.
As part of the briefing, the instructor shall evaluate the student’s fuel calculation prior to commencing the flight.