Endurskoðun verklags vegna veikinda/slys/frestun viðhalds

Endurskoðun verklags vegna veikinda/slys/frestun viðhalds

Nr. máls: 18-150F030
Staða máls: Lokuð
Farðu í skýrslu 12.12.2019

Tillaga í öryggisátt

Að Air Iceland Connect endurskoði verklag á viðhaldssviði (production planning) þegar veikindi/slys/frestun viðhalds og annað komi upp, til þess að tryggja nægilegan fjölda flugvirkja með viðeigandi réttindi, fyrir uppsett verk.


The following actions have been taken by AIC to clarify role and responsibility of Shift Supervisor with the aim to prevent similar occurrence. With update of the procedure, emphasis is placed on how to address unforeseen circumstances and take control of situations that may arise such as, sick leave, AOG etc.

CAME has been updated in CAME rev. 50, to include the following regarding Shift Supervisor role and responsibility:

He is responsible for production and the safety of his assigned shift and personnel and ensure that sufficient personnel is available to carry out required maintenance tasks.

The following will also be added for further clarification:

  • Reschedule shift personnel in case of unforeseen circumstances e.g. AOG and sick leave, to ensure that sufficient authorised and qualified manpower is available to carry out scheduled maintenance.

All shift supervisors currently working for AIC have been briefed on this and are well aware of their role and responsibility with this in mind.