Lög um RNSA, 35. gr.
Uppfæra framsetningu á NOTAMs
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RNSA beinir eftirfarandi tillögum í öryggisátt til Samgöngustofu:
- Með tilliti til útbreiddrar nútímatækni við myndræna upplýsingaöflun leggur RNSA til að Samgöngustofa beiti sér fyrir á alþjóðavettvangi (hjá ICAO) að framsetning NOTAM sé uppfærð yfir á myndrænt form, þar sem það á við.
Óafgreitt af Samgöngustofu.
Uppfæra framsetningu á SIGMET
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RNSA beinir eftirfarandi tillögum í öryggisátt til Samgöngustofu:
- Með tilliti til útbreiddrar nútímatækni við myndræna upplýsingaöflun leggur RNSA til að Samgöngustofa beiti sér fyrir á alþjóðavettvangi (hjá ICAO) að framsetning á upplýsingarflæði til flugmanna sé uppfærð með myndrænni framsetningu þeirra svæða sem SIGMET skeyti eiga við.
Óafgreitt af Samgöngustofu.
Conform to the required specifications and standards
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Take the necessary quality assurance steps to ensure that connecting rod and the small end bushings conform to the required specifications and standards.
Not actioned by Continental.
Þétta net sölustaða Avgas 100LL á flugvöllum landsins
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RNSA beinir því til Samgönguráðuneytisins að beita sér fyrir þéttingu nets sölustaða Avgas 100LL eldsneytis á flugvöllum landsins.
Óafgreitt af Samgönguráðuneytinu.
Endurskoðun á notkun á olíuleiðslum
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RNSA beinir því til hönnuðar I.C.P. Savannah S að endurskoða notkun á rifluðu málmrörunum í olíukerfi [Rotax 912] hreyfilsins.
Flight plans and alternate airport
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SIA-Iceland recommends to the flight operator to ensure that in the flight planning, the alternate fuel includes the time that is required to open the filed alternate airport for operation, if closed during the expected time of use.
Fuel requirements for alternate airports
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SIA-Iceland recommends to Icetra to review the need to issue a guidance or instructions to operators on Icelandic AOC regarding fuel requirement to alternate airports in Iceland, in case of flight planned for the closing hours of BIRK, BIAR and BIEG, considering the time required to open these airports.
Coupling the frequencies together to avoid multiple transmissions at the same time
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In case a single ATCO monitoring multiple frequencies in the Keflavík Airport Tower, evaluate the feasibility of temporary coupling the frequencies together to avoid multiple transmissions at the same time.
Add more location references, commonly used by BIKF TWR
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In Iceland AIP AD 2 BIKF 8 -1, for Keflavik VFR Routes, (see Appendix 2) add more location references, commonly used by BIKF TWR to put VFR traffic in holding around the airport, such as HAFNIR and SANDGERDI.
Change the classification of the control zones
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To change the classification of the control zones for Keflavik from class D airspace to class C airspace.