Tillögur í öryggisátt Síða 11

Lög um RNSA, 35. gr.

Spin test after major change

Nr. máls: 15-089-F-026
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

The ITSB recommends to EASA to:

Require a spin test for VLA aircraft that goes through a major change, such as for MTOW, even though the C.G. excursion is the same.


An EASA letter dated 19.02.2020 states that EASA has closed the safety recommendation with disagreement.

The Agency has carefully assessed the proposed recommendation, taking into account the justification provided. However, in line with paragraph 21.A.91 of Commission Regulation (EU) N748/2012 (as amended) and the applicable Certification Specifications, a spin test is only required for major changes which are assessed by the applicant and accepted by EASA as having an impact on the spin characteristics as established under the original type certification basis. This applies regardless of the aircraft type-certification basis (e.g. CS-LSA, CS-VLA and CS-23).

For this reason, the mandatory requirement of a spin test for a major changes is not found feasible.

Redesign W&B chart

Nr. máls: 15-089-F-026
Staða máls: Opin

Tillaga í öryggisátt

Redesign the weight and balance envelope chart for the Tecnam P2002JF load sheet, to minimize the risk of incorrect W&B calculations.


Not actioned by Tecnam.

Flugveðurupplýsingar Veðurstofu Íslands

Nr. máls: M-02214/AIG-16
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

RNSA beinir því til Veðurstofu Íslands að gæta þess að upplýsingar í flugveðurskilyrðum samræmist upplýsingar á veðurkortum.


Veðurstofa Íslands hefur brugðist við tillögunni á eftirfarandi hátt:

  • Leiðbeiningar um flugveðurskilyrði yfir Íslandi (LBE-005) verða endurskoðuð
  • Námskeið fyrir flugveðurfræðinga um þarfir flugmanna í sjónflugi haldið fyrir veðurfræðinga í lok september 2021, eftir að LBE-005 hefur verið endurskoðað