2023 Síða 2

23021S011T02 Wilson Skaw

Nr. máls: 23-021-S-011 Wilson Skaw
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

SIA-Iceland directs to Wilson Ship Management AS to ensure the safe management of its vessels through good communication with BRM vessel management.


BRM has received a high focus in our company after this incident, and we have focused a lot on the cultural differences onboard.

-              We hired an external company to lecture Wilson office employes about the cultural differences with focus on culture differences between Europe and the Philippines.

-              Sjøfartsdirektoratet has also been hired to lecture about mental health onboard and potential consequences, and what we can do to minimize the potential risk. 

-              During Officers Conference we had one session with “This is what I told you, Chief” where we discuss the case and situation on Wilson Skaw.

And one 3-hour session with “Leadership and response to failures” with an external company.

-              An Experience transfer was issued after the incident, this also focuses on the work environment, attitude, and communication on the bridge.

-              The Wilson Safe rules was updated with focus on that everyone has the right and obligation to say stop in an unsafe situation.