Tillögur í öryggisátt Síða 5

23021S011T01 Wilson Skaw

Nr. máls: 23-021-S-011 Wilson Skaw
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

SIA-Iceland directs to Wilson Ship Management AS to enforce the International Convention on the Fair Treatment of Seafarers in the wake of incidents like these.


Our onshore contingency manual is updated, and the following tasks is added to the Crewing Representative:

-              Evaluate the crew composition and cultural difference.

-              Evaluate the wellbeing for the crew during and after the incident in according with "Fair Treatment of Seafarers convention.”


23021S011T02 Wilson Skaw

Nr. máls: 23-021-S-011 Wilson Skaw
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

SIA-Iceland directs to Wilson Ship Management AS to ensure the safe management of its vessels through good communication with BRM vessel management.


BRM has received a high focus in our company after this incident, and we have focused a lot on the cultural differences onboard.

-              We hired an external company to lecture Wilson office employes about the cultural differences with focus on culture differences between Europe and the Philippines.

-              Sjøfartsdirektoratet has also been hired to lecture about mental health onboard and potential consequences, and what we can do to minimize the potential risk. 

-              During Officers Conference we had one session with “This is what I told you, Chief” where we discuss the case and situation on Wilson Skaw.

And one 3-hour session with “Leadership and response to failures” with an external company.

-              An Experience transfer was issued after the incident, this also focuses on the work environment, attitude, and communication on the bridge.

-              The Wilson Safe rules was updated with focus on that everyone has the right and obligation to say stop in an unsafe situation.