Coupling the frequencies together to avoid multiple transmissions at the same time
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In case a single ATCO monitoring multiple frequencies in the Keflavík Airport Tower, evaluate the feasibility of temporary coupling the frequencies together to avoid multiple transmissions at the same time.
Change the classification of the control zones
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To change the classification of the control zones for Keflavik from class D airspace to class C airspace.
Add more location references, commonly used by BIKF TWR
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In Iceland AIP AD 2 BIKF 8 -1, for Keflavik VFR Routes, (see Appendix 2) add more location references, commonly used by BIKF TWR to put VFR traffic in holding around the airport, such as HAFNIR and SANDGERDI.
Flight plans and alternate airport
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SIA-Iceland recommends to the flight operator to ensure that in the flight planning, the alternate fuel includes the time that is required to open the filed alternate airport for operation, if closed during the expected time of use.
Establish communication link
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SIA-Iceland recommends to Isavia Regional Airports to ensure that there is an established communication link between the Reykjavik Airport Operations department and Approach Control outside the BIRK normal opening hours.
lsavia lnnanlandsflugvellir taka ábendinguna til greina og að hún varði alla þrjá alþjóðaflugvellina sem félagið rekur. Allar upplýsingar um veður og ástand brauta (SNOWTAM) á BIRK, BIAR og BIEG hafa verið settar inn á sérstaka heimasíðu í nokkur ár (https://iws.isavia.is). Hver og einn flugvöllur hefur sína sérstöku undirsíðu.
Til að bregðast við athugasemd RNSA, verður bætt við flipa á yfirsíðunni sem heitir einfaldlega "SNOWTAM" þar sem yfirlit yfir stöðuna á alþjóðaflugvöllunum þremur kemur skýrt fram. Þessum upplýsingum verður bætt inn í næstu uppfærslu á Flugmálahandbók í kafla AD 2.11.7. Með því móti verða upplýsingar aðgengilegri, um brautarástand hverju sinni, fyrir starfsmenn flugstjórnarmiðstöðvar sem og notendur sem geta nálgast upplýsingarnar milliliðalaust. Við höfum jafnframt í samvinnu við lsavia ANS yfirfarið tengiliðalista á hverri starfsstöð fyrir sig, svo tryggt sé að flugstjórnarmiðstöð sé með nýjustu upplýsingar um starfsfólk. Jafnframt verður til gátlisti fyrir stjórnendur Flugstjórnarmiðstöðvar hjá lsavia ANS sem nýtist í tilfellum sem þessum.
Review rescue and firefighting staffing
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SIA-Iceland recommends to Isavia Regional Airports to review the rescue and firefighting staffing at BIRK, BIAR and BIEG with respect to this report’s findings, or advertise in the AIP that CAT-7 aircraft can land under the airport’s CAT-6 capability as the airport has fewer than 700 movements (landings and takeoffs) in the three busiest months at the airport.
Í svari Isavia kemur fram að í flugmálahandbók í kafla AD 2.6.1 kemur þegar fram að flugvellirnir geti uppfyllt kröfur um CAT-7 með 30 mín fyrirvara á Akureyri og Egilsstöðum og 45 mín fyrirvara á Reykjavíkurflugvelli. Isavia hefur reglulega yfirfarið mönnunarmótdelið og vaktaskiptan og þetta eru kröfur sem flugvellrnir geta mætt og staðið við.
Procedure for information sharing
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SIA-Iceland recommends to Isavia ANS to review if it would be feasible to install a procedure regarding broader information sharing and activation protocol, between the international airports (BIKF, BIRK, BIAR and BIEG), Approach Control, and the Reykjavik Area Control Center, in case of one of those airports closing.
Isavia ANS mun útbúa gátlista fyrir vaktstjórnanda þar sem brugðist er við vegna lokunar flugbrautar á alþjóðaflugvelli á Íslandi, þar sem m.a. er aflað upplýsinga um stöðu annarra alþjóðaflugvalla, (mönnun, fjölda stæða og ástand flugbrauta o.s.frv) og upplýsingum komið á framfæri til flugumferðarstjóra í vinnustöðum í flugstjórnarmiðstöð.
Shift manager on duty during nighttime
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SIA-Iceland recommends to Isavia ANS to review the feasibility of having a shift manager, or train his deputies (shift supervisors), on duty during nighttime in the Reykjavik Area Control Center, for strategic oversight.
Aðalvarðstjórar eru á vakt alla daga vikunnar milli kl. 07:00 og 22:00. Þess á milli, þ.e. milli kl. 22:00 og 07:00 leysir varðstjóri þá af. Varðstjórar hafa fengið þjálfun í neyðartilfellum og notkun gátlista.
Síðustu ár hefur þjálfun varðstjóra verið aukin og hafa þeir fengið meiri innsýn og tekið meira þátt í störfum aðalvarðstjóra, t.d. með því að leysa þá af að degi til. Skerpt verður á þjálfun varðstjóra í neyðartilfellum og notkun gátlista hjá flugstjórnarmiðstöð.
Fuel requirements for alternate airports
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SIA-Iceland recommends to Icetra to review the need to issue a guidance or instructions to operators on Icelandic AOC regarding fuel requirement to alternate airports in Iceland, in case of flight planned for the closing hours of BIRK, BIAR and BIEG, considering the time required to open these airports.
On 16.10.2024 Icetra issued the following action plan regarding the safety recommendation:
In response to RNSA (SIA Iceland) final report dated 07.12.2023 on aircraft serious incident report dated 7.12.2023 ICETRA has reviewed safety recommendation 19-159F044 T6 which was directed at ICETRA or;
SIA-Iceland recommends to Icetra to review the need to issue a guidance or instructions to operators on Icelandic AOC regarding fuel requirement to alternate airports in Iceland, in case of flight planned for the closing hours of BIRK, BIAR and BIEG, considering the time required to open these airports.
In retrospect
From the time of the incident to present day fuel planning matters have evolved considerably with the implementation of regulatory requirements put forward in EASA CAT.OP.MPA.180-185. All Icelandic operators using large transport airplanes now operate in accordance with subchapter‚ Basic Fuel Scheme with variations which places much higher demands on flight planning with regards to e.g. fuel carried, selection of alternate aerodromes and fuel en-route alternates than before.
Present state
ICETRA conducts numerous audits every year on all operators on different subjects, including ‚Release to flight / Dispatch. Time interval between audits of same kind is 24 months maximum. All in all, the results are satisfactory or good with mostly low-level findings. ICETRA requires and promotes high discipline and compliance with the regulation, especially in view of less fuel that is possible to carry for each flight than ever before, given all precautionary guidelines are followed.
Action plan
In response to RNSA safety recommendation ICETRA has decided to probe further into flight planning matters with operators by pursuing an on-site inspection at each operator´s flight dispatch unit in OCC (Operator Control Centre). This inspection can and should reveal any weaknesses in the operator flight dispatch, including methodology, use of flight planning software, skills, communication with flight crews and sharing of duties and responsibilities.
Endurskoðun á notkun á olíuleiðslum
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RNSA beinir því til hönnuðar I.C.P. Savannah S að endurskoða notkun á rifluðu málmrörunum í olíukerfi [Rotax 912] hreyfilsins.