Eldri Skýrslur - RNF / Flugslysanefnd Skýrslur gefnar út af Rannsóknarnefnd flugslysa (RNF) eða af Flugslysanefnd

Hér er hægt er að nálgast allar útgefnar skýrslur RNF aftur til ársins 2000. Ef óskað er eftir eldri skýrslu RNF eða Flugslysanefndar má senda skriflega beiðni um það á netfangið RNSA@RNSA.is. Reynt verður að verða við beiðnum um eldri skýrslur eins og verkefnastaða stofnunarinnar leyfir. Þó skal haft í huga að vegna núgildandi laga um persónuvernd, þá mun RNSA yfirfara viðkomandi skýrslu og fjarlægja persónugreinanlegar upplýsingar áður en skýrslan er afhent. Jafnframt verður leitast við að birta viðkomandi skýrslu á vef stofnunarinnar.

Nýlegar slysa- og atvikaskýrslur:

Flugslys TF-303 (Rans S6-ES Coyote II) nálægt fisflugvellinum Sléttunni á Reykjanesi (Bráðabirgðaskýrsla)

Tveir menn um borð í fisvél TF-303 fóru í kennsluflug frá fisflugvellinum Sléttunni á Reykjanesi þann 20. október 2012. Í fluginu ofreis fisvélin, fór í spuna og brotlenti með þeim afleiðingum að báðir mennirnir um borð létust.

Skýrsla 20.10.2012

Serious incident TF-ISL (Boeing 757-200) Cabin crew dizziness during flight

During a passenger flight from Reykjavik-Keflavik, Iceland, to Frankfurt/Main, Germany, members of the cabin crew suffered health problems during cruise flight. All cabin crew members continued their duty until the end of the flight. the cabin crew reported strong symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, blue lips and fingers and numbness in the legs. The PIC then decided to inform the controller via radio and ask for a priority approach. Pilots and passengers were not affected. The German BFU investigated the serious incident and issued the report. The Icelandic AIB (RNF) nominated an ACCREP to the investigation.

Skýrsla 18.07.2012

Flugslys TF-FUN (American Champion 7ECA) á Reykjavíkurflugvelli

Flugvélin fór fram yfir sig í akstri á Reykjavíkurflugvelli og loftskrúfan fór í jörðina.

Skýrsla 06.08.2011

Flugslys-TF-SUE (Piper PA 22-150) á Ísafjarðarflugvelli

Flugvélin fauk á bakið þegar verið var að aka henni í brautarstöðu.

Skýrsla 05.08.2011

Alvarlegt flugatvik TF-KFB (Diamond DA-20) á Keflavikurflugvelli

Flugnemi með einflugsréttindi var að æfa snertilendingar á Keflavíkurflugvelli á flugvél TF-KFB. Á lokasekúndum fyrir snertingu flugbrautar í lendingu flaug flugneminn í gegnum vængendahvirfla frá Airbus flugvél sem lent hafði skömmu áður, með þeim afleiðingum að TF-KFB skall niður í flugbrautina og skemmdi nefhjólsbúnað og loftskrúfu.

Skýrsla 03.05.2011

Accident TF-JMB (DHC 8-100) during landing at Nuuk in Greenland (Preliminary Report)

As the aircraft approached runway 23 it was still in the final right turn over the landing threshold. The aircraft touched down on runway 23 between the runway threshold and the touchdown zone and to the left of the runway centerline. The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) data indicated that the aircraft was banking more than 11° to the right as the aircraft touched down. At the same time the vertical acceleration was approximately 3.9 G and the rate of descent was greater than 13 feet per second. The right main landing gear (MLG) shock strut fuse pin sheared and the right MLG collapsed, the aircraft skidded down the runway and departed the runway to the right. The nose landing gear was separated from the aircraft as the aircraft was entering the unpaved surface. The aircraft came to rest in the rocky area to the right of runway 23. Neither passengers nor flight crew suffered any injuries. The passengers disembarked the aircraft using the forward right emergency exit. The aircraft was substantially damaged. The accident occurred in daylight under visual meteorological conditions (VMC). The Danish Havarikommissionen investigated the accident and issued the report. The Icelandic AAIB (RNF) nominated an ACCREP to the investigation.

Skýrsla 04.03.2011

Serious incident TF-ELK (Airbus 300) at East Midland Airport

An approach to East Midlands Airport was being flown in gusty crosswind conditions. Reverse thrust was selected immediately after touchdown, but the aircraft subsequently bounced and the commander decided to go around. During the go-around the No 2 (right) engine thrust reverser failed to stow, and the engine thrust was maintained at idle by the FADEC system. The aircraft’s tail struck the ground during the rotation. The aircraft became airborne at low speed in a high drag configuration and its acceleration and climb performance did not increase appreciably until 47 seconds after lift off. The No 2 engine was subsequently shut down and the aircraft diverted to Stansted Airport, where a singleengine landing was carried out. The No 1 thrust reverser was selected during the landing at Stansted, but did not fully deploy. The investigation found that the most likely reason for the No 2 thrust reverser failure to stow was an intermittent loose connection in the auto-restow circuit. It was further determined that conflicting operational guidance exists with respect to selection of reverse thrust and go-around procedures. A number of safety actions have been taken as a result of this serious incident. The UK AAIB investigated the serious incident and issued the report. The Icelandic AAIB (RNF) nominated an ACCREP to the investigation.

Skýrsla 10.01.2011

Flugslys TF-EXI (Rotorway Exec 162F) brotlenti við Skálatind á Esju

Þegar flugmaður þyrlunnar hugðist framkvæma fráhvarfsflug missti hún skyndilega afl þar sem að ekki var gætt að samhæfingu eldsneytisgjafar og aflstýris. Þyrlan brotlenti í kjölfarið. Rannsóknin leiddi í ljós að þyrlan var utan við fremri jafnvægismörk.

Skýrsla 24.10.2010

Serious incident N96VF (Beechcraft G36) west-north-west of Keflavik Iceland

The aircraft departed Sondrestrom airport (BGSF) in Greenland for Keflavik airport (BIKF) in Iceland at 18:45 on September 27th 2010. Halfway into the flight it became evident that the winds were not as favorable as the pilots had expected and the pilots contacted Reykjavik Control to inform that they were low on fuel and requested priority. When the airplane had landed at Keflavik airport only two gallons of fuel remained the the aircraft's fuel tanks.

Skýrsla 27.09.2010

Flugslys TF-134 (Fly Synthesis Storch) á Fimmvörðuhálsi

Þann 17. mars 2010 brotlenti fisvél TF-134 á Fimmvörðuhálsi í yfirflugi þegar verið var að kanna aðstæður til lendingar. Fisvélin fór fram fyrir sig og loftskrúfan fór í jörðina.

Skýrsla 27.03.2010